Course Offerings

Courses are listed by start date. Online courses are located at the end of the list.

Pre-registration may be mandatory to attend some coursework offerings. In addition, tuition or a registration fee may apply, which does not include the CE credit conversion fee. Please contact the appropriate course provider for details.

Upon completing a continuing education course, you should receive a Certificate of Attendance/Evaluation Form from the instructor. It is your responsibility, not the instructor's, to send the white copy of the Certificate of Attendance with payment of the conversion fee to the FWWA office. The Evaluation Form located on the back of the white sheet is MANDATORY to receive credit for the course. Reminder: as of August 1, 2021, a maximum of 6 CE credits may be obtained through online/on-demand coursework.

NGWA 2024 Groundwater Week

Please visit for more information. To receive a list of approved coursework in Florida, please contact NGWA directly.
Course Date: 12/10/2024 - 12/12/2024
Course Time: 8 AM - 5 PM
Course Level: Various
Hours/Type: 22 R/R, 25 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center
Address: 3150 Paradise Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

6 Hour Water Well Contractors Workshop

This 6 Hour Water Well Contractors Workshop incudes the following topics- Injection Well Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Wells, Parts 1 & 2, and The Most Common Drilling Methods Used in the Ground Water Industry -Segments, 1, 2 and 3.
Course Date: 12/14/2024 - 12/14/2024
Course Time: 8:00 AM
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 6 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: Jacksonville
Address: TBD
Jacksonville, FL
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

The Clear Leader in Water Filtration

The demand for water use efficiency has never been more important .The clear leader in water filtration course demonstrates some of the many ways the proper use of water filters can improve drinking water for Florida families. The course also shows the proper application of these products for irrigation in residential ,commercial & agricultural applications.
Course Date: 01/16/2025 - 01/16/2025
Course Time: 7 PM
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: North Central Florida Water Well Assoc.
Location: Freedom Community Center
Address: 7340 SW 41st Place
Gainesville, FL 32608
Contact: Melissa Sheffield
Phone: (352) 222-9355
Fax: (386) 454-3724

Consumptive Use Permitting & State of the Resources Class

The first part of the course will cover – Understanding the Water Use Permitting Process: Aquifers and stratigraphy, ePermitting, Uses exempt from water use permitting, Water use demand, Types of water use permits, Elements of a water use permit application, Application processing fees and timeframes, Common application review questions, SFWMD rules, Hydrogeologic mapping update (SFWMD, Technical Publication WS-34). The second part of the course will cover - Water Resources of Southwest Florida: Introduction to the SFWMD, Florida water law, Water resource planning, Regional water supply plans, Lower West Coast water demand by use, Population projections and water supply/demand, Water conservation, Reuse water, Consumptive Use Permitting, Impact evaluation, Water resource availability and the maximum developable limit, Existing legal users, Saline water evaluation, Wetlands evaluation, Soil or groundwater contamination, Water use permit
Course Date: 01/23/2025 - 01/23/2025
Course Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
Course Level: Intermediate
Hours/Type: 3 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: Lee County Well Construction Advisory Board
Location: Community Development/Public Works Bldg.
Address: 1500 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Contact: Dee Elschlager
Phone: (239) 533-8109
Fax: (239) 485-8408

Rig Maintenance and Safety

This course will cover the following: 1-Whos Responsible, 2-Protective Equipment, 3-Guards & their Importance, 4-Control Panels, 5-Winches- Motors, Wire Rope, Pullies & Safety Hooks, 6-Stablizer Jacks and Jack Pads, 7-Grease Points, 8-Inspections- What to Look for. Forms & Documenting, 9-Top Head – Adjustment & Maintenance, 10-Fluid Checks- Hydraulic, Air Compressor, Mud Pumps, 11-Centerpoint
Course Date: 02/20/2025 - 02/20/2025
Course Time: 7 - 8 PM
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: North Central Florida Water Well Assoc.
Location: Drillman
Address: 5801 SW 6th Place
Ocala, FL 34474
Contact: Melissa Sheffield
Phone: (352) 222-9355
Fax: (386) 454-3724

NCFWWA Basic Powerline & Electricity Safety

To inform attendees of the hazards associated with power lines and electricty including - overhead and underground utilities, guide for operation of equipment near power lines, touch and step potenial, actions to take during an emergency involving electricity, back feedm recoup damages.
Course Date: 03/20/2025 - 03/20/2025
Course Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 2 S/B
Organization: North Central Florida Water Well Assoc.
Location: Central Florida Electric Cooperative
Address: 11491 NW 50th Ave
Chiefland, FL 32693
Contact: Melissa Sheffield
Phone: (352) 222-9355
Fax: (386) 454-3724

Drilling with Air/Foam

The course will focus on the use of air/foam drilling. A discussion about air requirements by itself and with foam and the dynamic when used together. Augmenting the foam mixture with drilling fluid additives changes the characteristic of the foam while lowering the aire requirement. Which additives to use in certain formations and when foam is a better option and water based drilling fluids.
Course Date: 04/17/2025 - 04/17/2025
Course Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: North Central Florida Water Well Assoc.
Location: Preferred Pump
Address: 601 NW 25th Ave. Bldg. A
Ocala, FL 34475
Contact: Melissa Sheffield
Phone: (352) 222-9355
Fax: (386) 454-3724

Online Courses

Common Causes of Well Failure Part 1

I. Major Causes of Well Failure: A. Well Construction Issues, B. Incomplete Well Development, C. Pre-Mature Aging, D. Neglect, E. Contaminants, F. Location. II. Well Decision Tree. III. Well Design and Construction Issues: A. Well Screen, B. Screen and Gravel Size, C., Gravel Pack/Bridging Settlement, D. Welds, E. The Wrong Material for the Situation, F. Plumbness and Alignment. IV. AWWA A-100-15 Water Well Standard. V. Well Seals – the #1 Issue: A. Why Well Seals are Important, B. State Regulations vs Geologic Reality, C. Mystery Case, D. Gravel Pack and Screen Size, E. Plumbness and Alignment. VI. Well Development: A. Well Development Objectives, B. Common Issues with Well Development, C. Drilling Mud, D. Measuring Well Development. VII. Pre-Mature Aging: A. Galvanic Corrosion, B. Choice of Materials, C. Neglect, D. Microbially-Induced Corrosion. VIII. Maintaining a Healthy Well. IX. Specific Capacity. X. Bacteria. XI. BART Test
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Common Causes of Well Failure Part 2

Maintaining a Healthy Well :A. Track Specific Capacity, B. Track iron-related and sulfate-reducing bacteria, C. The more parameters you track, the better. II. Key Performance Indicators: A. Chemical parameters, B. Biological parameters - specifically check for increase in bacteria that is anaerobic, C. Physical parameters – Looking for what changes over time., D. Wells should be running at 70-80% efficiency, E. Above 20% Anaerobic bacteria in a well will require remediation, F. Oxidation Reduction Potential s/b near zero (Bio Parameter), G. Develop a KPI Dashboard. III. Contaminants: A. Arsenic, B. Uranium, C. Nitrates, D. Fluoride, E. Methane, F. 1,2,3-TCP, G. PFAS. IV. Dynamic vs Ambient Testing: A. Ambient Testing: 1. Measures natural flow into the well, 2. Usually requires removing the pump, 3. May be harder to interpret; B. Dynamic Testing: 1. Measures flow into the well under pumping conditions, 2. Most accurately simulates well production in terms of flow and chemistry, 3. More challenging to perform, 4. May require more trips in and out of the well. V. Components of Well Profiling: A. Review, B. Video, C. Perform, D. Conduct, E. Perform (again), F. Modify. VI. Location: A. Well Site Selection
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Hydrogeology for Water Well Drillers

I. The Hydrologic Cycle: A. The Water Cycle. II. Groundwater Recharge and Discharge: A. Groundwater Recharge, B. Groundwater Discharge, C. Precipitation. III. Types of Aquifers: A. Unconsolidated/Alluvial, B. Sedimentary Bedrock, C. Fractured Rock, D. Limestone/Karst. IV. Confined vs Unconfined Aquifers: A. Properties of Aquifers. V. Porosity: A. Examples of Porosity, B. Effective Porosity, C. Primary vs Secondary Porosity. VI. Hydraulic Conductivity: A. Specific Yield/Retention, B. Head and Gradient. VII. Groundwater Flow, Darcy’s Law & Velocity: A. Groundwater Flow, B. Darcy’s Law, C. Groundwater Velocity. VIII. Transmissivity & Storativity: A. Transmissivity, B. Storativity Calculating Unconfined and Confined Storativity, C. Storage Capacity vs Depth, D. Cone of Depression. IX. Determining Aquifer Properties Using Pumping Tests: A. Identify Well Yield, B. Find Optimal Pumping Rate, C. Determine Pump Placement, D. Sustained Yield, E. Verify successful well rehabilitation, F. Aquifer Response Stages. X.Step Drawdown & Constant Rate Tests: A. Step Drawdown Test, B. Constant Rate Test, C. Data Collection of Pumping Tests, D. Interpreting Pumping Test Results
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Locating Water Wells

I. The Well Location Process: A. Desktop, B. Field Check, C. Test Well. II. Desktop Analysis: A. Background Resources, B. Well Location Ranking System, C. Reviewing Data from Nearby Wells, D. Air Photo Analysis, E. Vegetation Analysis, F. Online Tools, G. Principle Acquirers in the US, H. Types of Aquifers, I. Relative Storage Capacity vs. Depth, J. Types of Aquifer System, K. Alluvial Environments, L. Locating Wells in Alluvial Settings, M. Fractured Rock E, Environments, N. Fractured Rock Aquifer Characteristics, O. Locating Wells in Fractured Rock Settings, P. Fractured Trace and Lineament Analysis, Q. Stress Relief Fracturing, R. Locations: 1. Kart Environments. III. Field Checks: A. Field Check Objectives, B. Examples, C. Residential Well Site. IV. Test Wells: A. Test Well Requirements, B. Test Well Goals, C. Test Well Evaluation
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Rehabilitation of Water Wells

I. Identify Well Issues: A. Effects of Well Decline on Performance. II. Chemical Incrustation. III. Causes of Mineral Incrustations: B. Well Construction, C. Water Quality. IV. Biofouling. V. Well Plugging Profile: A. Well Casing Interior. B. Gravel Pack. C. Impaction Zone. D. Geologic Formation/Aquifer. VI. Rehabilitation of Wells with Biofouling. VII. Filter Pack Clogging: A. Factors that Trigger Reduced Flow to Well. VIII. Fissure Plugging/Collapse. IX. When Well Rehabilitation is Needed: A. Key Performance Indicators: 1. Using Specific Capacity. X. Well Rehabilitation Methods: A. Mechanical: Including the following and others: 1. Surging with a Pump (Rawhiding), 2. Brushing/Swabbing, 3. Surge Block Method, 4. Hydro-fracking, 5. Jetting, 6. Percussion: B. Chemical: Including the following and others: 1. Acids for chemical well rehabilitation - i. Mineral Acids, ii. Organic Acids, C. Surfactants, D. Dispersants, E. Inhibitors. XI. Chemical Suppliers, Products and Applications: A. Chlorine, B. Hydrogen Peroxide. XII. Examples of Well Rehabilitation Symptoms and Methods. XIII. Benefits of Well Rehabilitation
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136


I. Introduction to Sinkholes, II. Sinkhole Geologic Environment, III. Karst Map of the US, IV. Sinkhole Hotspot US Map, V. Karst-Related Sinkholes, VI. Examples: A. Sinkhole Development in Orlando, B. Bowling Green KY. VII. Karst Development. VIII. Carbonic Acid Process. IX. Karst Chemistry. X. Idealized Diagram of Karst Development. XI. Typical Karst Groundwater Model. XII. Valley and Ridge Groundwater Model. XIII. Sinkhole Formation. XIV. Suffusion. XV. Limestone Dissolution Process. XVI. Types of Sinkholes. XVII. Cover Subsidence Sinkhole. XVIII. Cover Collapse Sinkhole. XIX. Induced Sinkholes. A. Causes. XX. Karst Groundwater Model. XXI. The Role of Hydrostatic Pressure in Induced Sinkholes, XXII. Non-Karst Sinkholes, XXIII. Sinkholes Not Related To Karst Geology, XXIV. Detecting Sinkholes, XXV. Topographic Maps, XXVI. Other Karst Features, XXVII. Geophysical Methods, XXVIII. LiDAR-Based Change Analysis, XXIX. Dye Tracer Tests? XXX. Summary
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Well Disinfection

I. Disinfection Definition. II. Disinfection Standards. III. The Purpose of Disinfection. IV. Chlorine Related Terms. V. Types of Chlorinating Agents. VI. Using Bleach. VII. The 4 Components of Disinfection. a. pH, 1. Importance, Maintenance and Monitoring pH, b. Chlorine Concentration, 1. Concentrations vary for different wells, 2. Treatment volume, 3. Monitor chlorine residual, 4. Agitation, c. Agitation, 1. Chlorine application, 2. Circulation, d. Contact Time, VIII. Proper application of chlorine to disinfect wells, a. Disinfection Procedures, 1. 8 Steps, b. Chlorine Neutralization Process, c. Record-keeping, d. Causes of Disinfection Failure
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

6 Hour FL Water Well CE

IF YOU TAKE THIS COURSE, YOU CANNOT TAKE THE 3 HR.FL WATER WELL CE COURSE. This course will cover the following topics: 1) Borehole Geophysics Specialty Tools. 2) Boreholes and Geophysics. 3) Corrosion in Water Supply Wells. 4) Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water. 5) Seals and Liners. 6) Florida Admin Code Section 40 Water Wells.
Course Date: 01/29/2024 - 01/29/2026
Course Level: Intermediate
Hours/Type: 4 R/R, 2 S/B
Organization: All Star Training, Inc.
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: John Mason
Phone: (817) 385-1136

Grouting Part II

A 1 hour review of the OPC (ordinary Portland cement), blended cements, cement additives, casing collapse considerations, buoyancy factor, and grout emplacement methods.
Course Date: 03/31/2023 - 03/31/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Grouting Part I

A 1 hour review of the Nebraska Grout Study, the Nebraska Vadose Zone Study, cement, bentonite, and grouting of geothermal loop wells.
Course Date: 03/31/2023 - 03/31/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Introduction to Pumps

Electric Generators and Motors, Centrifugal Pumps, Fluid dynamics and Bernoilli's Principle, Single stage & multi-stage centrifugal pumps, Nicola Tesla, Three phase and single stage power motors, Hydaulic Institute, Pump/Motor sizing for wells, Jet pumps
Course Date: 03/14/2024 - 03/14/2026
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Pumps Part II

This one hour continuing education unit presents the theory of displacement pump operation and discusses the variety of displacement pumps in common use with a focus on displacement mud pump design and operation.
Course Date: 03/14/2024 - 03/14/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Injection Wells

This course introduces injection wells. The history, construction, safety features, regulations, types of injection wells, and uses of injection wells are all discussed.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 09/19/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Aquifer Storage Recovery

What is ASR; Best Suggested Practices for ASR from NGWA; ASR growth pattern of last 10 years; Global implementation; Recent innovation in ASR Glass bead filter packs; ASR Site Selection considerations; Casing Selection; Downhole Flow Control; Annulus recharge; Injection tube recharge; Pump column recharge; Adjustable downhole flow restrictions; Arsenic a naturally occurring mineral; ASR case studies
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Well Development

This course will cover drilling methods, what effects well development, lithology of the aquifer and impact on well development, components of drawdown in a well, fluids management during drilling, liquid flow into wells, types of well completion, going glass, methods of well development and more.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Groundwater Basics

Program discusses the origin of groundwater, hydologic cycle, groundwater fundamentals, aquifers, groundwater resource and groundwater sustainability.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Geothermal Heating & Cooling Part I

An introduction to geothermal heating and cooling systems with emphasis on the following: the concepts of geothermal energy, two types of geothermal energy, explanation of low grade geothermal technology, explanation of three subsystems of all low grade geothermal applications, vapor compression cycle, explanation of the operation of a ground sourced geothermal heat pump, etc.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Geothermal Heating & Cooling Part II

An introduction to geothermal heating and cooling systems with emphasis on the following: earth loop connection design options, open loop, standing water column well systems, advantages and disadvantages of open loop systems, closed loop systems, vertical closed loop, horizontal closed loop, spiral loop, submerged loop, hybrid loop and direct exchange.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Generic Well Abandonment in the USA

This course will cover the importance of proper well abandonment, dangers of improper well abandonment, how to locate improperly decommissioned wells, removing debris and obstructions, plugging flowing wells, plugging water wells, obtaining a variance, capping a non-deteriorated well and more.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Course Level: Basic
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Drilling Safety

This one hour continuing education presentation will cover the following topics for both experienced and new drillers: OHSA, difference between risk and hazard, safety, proper body mechanics during lifting, cell phone use behind the wheel, starting the rig and raising the mast, working outdoors and climates, safety considerations in auger drilling, welding and cutting torch safety, hearing safety and electricity and safety.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Well Rehabilitation Part I

This continuing education unit covers the following topics: what is well rehabilitation, aquifer rehabilitation requirements, well maintenance and its relationship to well rehabilitation, need for accurate testing, discussion of specific capacity of well efficiency, diagnosing problems and well maintenance history, well construction materials and methods, well development, water flow and much more.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Well Rehabilitation Part II

This continuing education unit discusses mechanical methods and chemical methods of well rehabilitation, antibacterial agents, chlorine alternatives and shock treatments.
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Drilling Methods I

Classification of Drilling Methods; Cutting action of the drill bit: Percussion, Rotary Cut, Rotary Crush, Rotary Percussion, Rotary Abrasive; Circulation of Drilling fluids: Noncirculation, Direct Circulation, Reverse Circulation; Noncirculation Drilling: Cable Tool, Bucket Auger, Hollow Stem Auger; Direct Push, Wireline Core, Sonic; Cable Tool Drilling - Spring pole device, cable tool drill string; Percussion cutting action; Bucket auger; Auger drilling: Plate, solid, hollow stem; Rotary cut cutting action; Direct push drilling; Wireline coring; Sonic drilling; Direct Circulation Drilling Methods: Jetting, mud rotary, air rotary, casing advance; Jetting
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Drilling Methods II

Classification of Drilling Methods; Cutting actions of the drill bit; Circulation path of drilling fluids; Cutting action of the drill bit: Percussion, Rotary Cut, Rotary Crush, Rotary Percussion, Rotary Abrasive; Circulation of Drilling fluids: Noncirculation, Direct Circulation, Reverse Circulation; Direct Circulation Drilling Methods: Jetting, mud rotary, air rotary, casing advance; Direct Circulation Mud Rotary Drilling; Fluid flow path; Pierre-Pascal Fauvelle - Inventor of Hollow stem drill rods; Drill String assembly; Drill Collars; Drill Stabilizers; Drill Bit selection; Rotary Cut bit cutting action; Rotary Crush bit cutting action; PDC bits; Use of Drilling Fluids; Thixotropic and planting your tools; Viscosity - Cuttings carrying ability; March funnel; Weight of drilling fluid -Importance of balance; Mud balance; Differential pressure; Many roles of Mud Rotary Drilling Fluids; Caking - Bentonite vs. native clay
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

Drilling Methods III

Direct Air Rotary Drilling; Types of: Air only, air-mist, Air-water, air-water-surfactant, air-foam, stable foam, stiff foam, gel foam; Dust Drilling; Air-mist Drilling; Drilling with foam; Rotary Percussion-DTH; Down the Hole Hammer; DTH Maintenance; Corrosion-Fatigue-Galling; DTH Storage; Casing Advancement - ODEX; Reverse Circulation Drilling; Flooded Reverse Mud Rotary, traditional; Dual-Wall flooded revers mud rotary; Dual-Wall percussion hammer; Dual-Wall air rotary
Course Date: 05/24/2024 - 06/15/2026
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: International School Of Well Drilling
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Lorraine Mastropietro
Phone: (863) 648-1565
Fax: (863) 701-8268

NDA Drilling Safety Certification

75 Questions - This exam follows the test of the NDA Drilling Safety Guide. The NDA Drilling Safety Guide will be provided to the candidate in both PDF and hard copy upon registration for the exam. The candidate must score 80% or higher on the exam in order to receive certification. Fee: $100 for members; $200 for non-members
Course Date: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 3 S/B
Organization: National Drilling Association
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Becky McWilliam
Phone: (877) 632-4748
Fax: (216) 803-9900

Basic Geotechnical Procedures Qualification 101

57 Questions - This exam uses the NDA Driller's Manual and the ASTM, AASHTO specifications mentioned in the manual as a reference. The NDA Driller's Manual will be provided to the candidate in both PDF and hard copy upon registration for the exam. The candidate must score 80% or higher on the exam in order to receive the certification. Fee: $100 for members; $200 for non-members
Course Date: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 3 S/B
Organization: National Drilling Association
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Becky McWilliam
Phone: (877) 632-4748
Fax: (216) 803-9900

NDA Monitor Well Construction Certification

73 Questions - This exam follows the proper monitor well construction standards. This exam uses the NDA Driller's Manual as reference. The NDA Driller's Manual will be provided to the candidate in both PDF and hard copy upon registration for the exam. The candidate must score 80% or higher on the exam in order to receive the certification. Fee: $100 for members; $200 for non-members.
Course Date: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2025
Hours/Type: 3 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Drilling Association
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Becky McWilliam
Phone: (877) 632-4748
Fax: (216) 803-9900

NDA Groundwater Knowledge Certification

46 Questions - This exam includes geology questions related to groundwater parameters. This exam use the NDA Driller's Manual as a reference. The NDA Driller's Manual will be provided to the candidate in both PDF and hard copy upon registration for the exam. The candidate must score 80% or higher on the exam in order to receive the certification. Fee: $100 for members; $200 for non-members
Course Date: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 3 S/B
Organization: National Drilling Association
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Becky McWilliam
Phone: (877) 632-4748
Fax: (216) 803-9900

Air Drilling Best Practices

Compressed air is used as a primary flush media for 65% of all drilled Waterwells. Compressors are 3 to 4 times the cost they were in 1990 and more complicated to operate and maintain. Selection of lubricants, maintenance intervals and troubleshooting is almost a fulltime job for companies. We can help give you the best operating and selection plan going forward to save your company time and money.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Understanding your inputs, Protecting your margins, and Generating enough revenue to replace equipment on schedule

We will be discussing current economic conditions and how important it is to keep up with our costs, understanding and interpreting a P & L along with other financial Documents and what it takes to reinvest in your own company consistently.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

A Proven Framework for Building Your Brand

When you ask, What is brand marketing, you tend to get a million different answers, leading to a lot of confusion about what it truly is. At its core, brand marketing is about changing your target audiences behavior by (1) understanding what theyre all about, (2) identifying how your brand can appeal to them, and (3) determining right marketing mix to reach them to achieve your desired result. David will walk you through a simple framework that leverages his decades of experience leading brands at organizations like Procter & Gamble and Samsung, which you can immediately apply and take back to your own situation. Whether youre a contractor, a distributor, or a manufacturer, you will be able to take these learnings and immediately impact your brand.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

All Things Hammers and Bits

Choosing the right tooling for a project is important. This presentation would offer helpful tricks and insight on choosing the right set up for different applications. Also, some insight on the dos/don'ts of warranty issues.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Alternative Drilling Fluids for Deep Large Diameter Wells

This is a different fluid system to increase your rate of penetration and control reactive shales and anhydrites. This is for deep water well formations, completed in sandstones and limestones that encounter problems with a conventional fluid system. We will cover all phases of mixing, testing, and maintaining the drill fluid.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Chlorine, the Most Misunderstood Chemical in the Water Well Industry

In this workshop you will hear discussions on the importance of well disinfection. Learn how to properly chlorinate a water well. Learn about the general misunderstandings of chlorine use in a water well. And finally, we will explore the effects of chlorine on ground water microbiology.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Innovative Techniques for Well Design - Not for the Faint of Heart

What are your first steps when designing a well, and why? Do you gravitate toward the time-honored approaches and techniques which could possibly have a weak scientific foundation? Or do you first consider techniques that have a strong scientific basis but have not yet earned a marker on the popularity scale. Just like each well is different, you may need to expand your well design thinking beyond a one size fits all approach. You will learn how to evaluate the science in contrast to practical application in various situations when determining the procedures and techniques you will employ.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Pump Panel Electrical Installation and Maintenance

The pump panel controls and protects the electrical motor, driving the groundwater pump system. This workshop will provide you with knowledge of motor controls and installation procedures around pump panels. From the incoming three phase power to the outgoing motor connections, we will cover electrical standards such as wire sizing, bend radius, and torque settings. In addition, subjects such as service entrance ratings and short circuit current ratings (SCCR) will be featured. On the maintenance side we will cover what is needed to keep to your pump running, prolong the lifetime of your motor, and optional monitoring features. Target audience are those who are responsible for the electrical side of groundwater pump system.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Using Search Engine Optimization & Social Media to Grow Your Business

In today's connected world, one of the keys to growing and defending your business is understanding the importance of how customers find you on the internet. Studies show that consumers routinely use online searches to find goods and services. This makes understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) critical. Join us for this workshop, where we will discuss some direct and indirect ways to improve your search engine ranking, including a discussion on how a robust social media presence can be beneficial. We will also review some social media tips and discuss how best to manage negative or untruthful social media reviews.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

HE IX Softening -- Exchanging Salt for Savings

Water softeners not only provide a better standard of living but are necessary in some commercial applications. Yes, water softeners use salt, but there are ways to reduce salt consumption. As the installer, you can upsell HE systems to increase revenue for your business, while at the same time, saving your customer money and reducing waste in the environment. This training covers a few basics in water softening, an overview of water softening medias, how the media is manufactured, cross linkage, kinetics, capacities, salt dosage, efficiencies, competing ions, salt saturation, injector dilution, up flow vs down flow brining, HE softening advantages, selling residential and commercial HE water softeners, and finally a brief overview of salt-free systems and brine reclaim.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Proper Drill Site Assessment, Preparation, and Execution

Every drill site should receive dedicated attention when estimating the cost of the job and prior to the movement of heavy equipment. Each site is unique but the factors governing its selection are not: safety, accessibility, productivity, and efficiency. A careful site survey should alert the contractor to overhead and underground utility issues, clearances, traffic flow concerns, security challenges, and ground stability. You will learn how to sharpen your assessment skills for potential site problems, in addition to properly planning or rig setup and stabilization.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Understanding Internet of Things (IoT)

One of the hottest consumer trends for 2022 is Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices. In the past, IoT was frequently associated with smartphones, smartwatches, and other tech-savvy devices. Recently, however, IoT has shifted to include more and more everyday products found inside the home, including pump systems. Join us for this workshop, where we will explain the history of IoT, explore how IoT is impacting the groundwater industry, and provide tips and techniques on how to position IoT solutions for your customers.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Energy Based Hazard Identification

What if there was a simple and free tool that can help you train employees to identify hazards in their work area? This tool is the energy wheel. Energy based hazard identification is not new. Using energy sources to identify hazards in the work area has been used as a hazard identification tool by many companies for quite some time. The concept is to use these main sources of energy to identify hazards in the workplace. Studies show that workers only identify about 45% of hazards in their work area during pre-job safety briefings. Those who use the Energy Wheel find up to 30% more hazards in the work area during pre-task planning. The energy wheel is effective because it provides a simple set of reminders to search for hazards that are commonly overlooked.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Smart Motors and Intelligent Systems for the Next 100 Years of Groundwater Pumping

Environmental change and water scarcity is driving the need for higher efficiency from groundwater pumping systems. Join Nidec Motor Corporation as we present our vision for the future of pumping, encompassing intelligent pump systems that are based on leading edge technology, easier to install and service, and offer efficiencies designed to cope with a changing world 100 years into the future. Attendees will learn about Power Index, the new NEMA standard for system efficiency, and how to validate Power Index rebates for pump systems. Current and emerging technologies for powering pumps will be presented and compared, along with factors to consider when retrofitting existing pumps and deploying on new pump systems.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Water Well Decommissioning/Sealing

A news report or article of a child falling into a well in the United States or any place in the world immediately piques the interest of those working in the groundwater industry. A well may not be used because it has gone dry, is contaminated, or no longer serves a useful purpose. Decommissioning is the sealing of water wells or boreholes to prevent migration of contamination to the aquifer, including physical safety purposes. One may also hear terms like plug and abandon/seal or well destruction in this context. This webinar will address what decommissioning is; what factors should be considered in the sealing process; and how it can be achieved responsibly as local and state code may require. This offering is recommended for those new to the industry who may be taking well construction exams, as well as for experienced professionals who would benefit from a refresher.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Basic Pump Sizing Tools & Calculations

When sizing or troubleshooting any system, understanding how to use industry tools and basic calculations is vital for success. For the groundwater industry, these tools include the pump curve, friction loss charts, and solving for X. Join us for this presentation as we explain how to read these essential tools and how to use them to size a residential water supply system.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Constructing and Design a Well that is a Good Value to the Owner

Good principles of well construction and design have been proven to be a good value to the owner. The goal of all water-well professionals is to provide the best return on investment for the well owner, this is especially true for high-capacity wells. Inefficient wells are more expensive to own, operate and require more maintenance resulting in downtime. There are many materials that can be used to construct wells ranging from PVC to stainless steels, a good value for the well owner, may or may not be the cheapest well construction. Materials used in construction need to be resistant to corrosion so that the well will last for the period of its intended service life. Proper sizing of the filter pack, screen slot can enhance well production including the use of glass bead filter pack can aid in well development and well efficiency.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Electrical Safety in Drilling and Pump Service

This presentation covers the basics of how to protect yourself and your employees from electrical hazards during drilling and pump service work. Attendees will get an understanding of electricity, lock-out / tag-out, ground fault circuit interrupters, circuit breakers, and arc flash protection. For each topic, we will discuss the OSHA requirements and added precautionary steps you can take to avoid electrical injuries.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Hazards Identification Tactics - Why didn’t I say stop

In this one-hour session, Dave Bowers and Brock Yordy will cover the Coopers Code Method and how to utilize the code for proper hazard identification and risk. Beyond outlining coopers code Brock and Dave will discuss the behavioral psychology of employees engaging in unsafe acts. Finally, the team will cover the reasons and solutions to why men and women on the job site do not say stop.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/17/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

A Contractor's Guide to VFDs

This is a practical applications guide for contractors designed to reinforce the importance of knowing the capabilities of their pump system over their ability to program a VFD. We will examine site specific conditions that cause premature failure in pump systems, and how to control the outcome after you leave the job. We will also discuss how surge protection works, and, sometimes fails to work before ending the presentation with an explanation regarding the proper tools to test pump systems, VFDs, and grounding.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Fundamentals of Electric Motors

Electric motors have been called one of the most important inventions in modern history. We use these devices everyday both at home and at work. But do we really understand how they work? In this session we will discuss the basic physical principles behind electric motors, the components of an electric motor, and the variations of electric motors used in the water well industry.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Family Business Succession: Estate Planning

As the average age of the owner of water well businesses increases, substantial numbers of businesses will transition to the next generation or to new owners. One important aspect of business succession planning is estate planning. This presentation discusses, wills, powers of attorney, medical powers of attorney, living wills, trusts and other estate planning tools. More importantly, the presenter will discuss ways to use these tools to successfully transition the business to the next generation.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

efficiency - All about Permanent Magnet Motors

We hear the word efficiency all around us but what does that mean? For water systems it means putting money back in your pocket every time you turn on the switch. This training covers an overview of permanent magnet (PM) motors along with the similarities and differences when compared to induction motors. You will learn what are the ideal applications for this technology and why. We will investigate VFDs and how theyre necessary for PM technology but come with numerous benefits. Finally, we will examine some real-life case studies showing the PM technology and its success.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, 0 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

From Well Digger to Groundwater Professional - Perception to Reality

How do you relate our profession to the outside world? What is the Perception of OUR industry BY society? Common terms used by most relate to "digging" a well, and we struggle to change that, but how can we, as an industry help speed that necessary change up? Learn the differences, and how we can and need to change our image to be that Professional and accelerate the change needed.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Off-Grid Water Pumping - De-Mystifying Solar for You and Your Customer

When discussing solar with both experienced and new-to-industry professionals we see trepidation around the technology. Our goal: Educate on the basics of solar water pumping as it differs from on-grid, and how a driller/installer can maximize revenue while in the field. Discuss what rates of flow are now available and how panels have evolved to improve the business case. Once in the field, discuss effective setup parallel to drilling operation, shop prep vs. field prep, startup practices, and handling failed equipment. Discuss how to educate THEIR customer on expectations from a solar installation to help level set to ensure success. Discuss how Federal/State Tax credits are positively impacting business cases, and what resources are available to use this credit to their advantage. Finish on the future: What's coming and how they can be at the forefront.
Course Date: 01/16/2023 - 01/16/2025
Hours/Type: 0 R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Ultraviolet 101-UV for Domestic Water Wells

The implementation of Ultraviolet (UV) equipment at the point of entry for private well owners is becoming increasingly common. However, even after 100 years of effective application there are still industry gaps as it relates to effective pretreatment, sizing, and installation. This workshop will review the critical parameters of water and the impact on the performance of a UV system, the fundamentals of UV dose and how the calculation of time and intensity are adjusted when sizing. In support indicator organisms and common pathogens will be reviewed as well as the varying UV doses required for inactivation followed by a review of installation and service best practices for long term implementation.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Casing Advancement 101

Attendees of Casing Advancement 101 will learn about modern DTH casing advancement systems as well some history. We will focus on the 2 main types; underreamers and ring bit systems. I will discuss standard operating procedures including air requirements, rotation speeds and weight on bit. We will go over the best practices for welding drive shoes and ring bit assemblies to the casing, maintaining the tools as well as the complete system set up from device to the swivel.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Respirators and the Hazards of Silica

Silica is a danger that exists in both the drilling and pump installation industry. We will discuss what silica is and talk about the infamous Hawk’s Nest Tunnel tragedy. Silica is all around us, especially in our industry. We will discuss the regulations around silica including exposure limits and what they really mean. From there we will move into how to protect yourself from the dangers of silica with respirators - both N95 and half face respirators. We will review what is required before you can wear a respirator, how to inspect them, how to properly don them, and finally the critical procedure of how to store them. Silica is often overlooked, but is a real hazard that exists in our industry that we need to understand.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Motor Symposium Part 1: Select the Right Submersible Motor to Power Your Pumping System: How Different Designs Impact Operations/ Unleashing Efficiency: Exploring the Potential of Permanent Magnet Motors in the Water Well Industry

No pumping system is complete without the right motor. It not only drives the pump, but it also safely and reliably takes the static and dynamic loads from the hydraulic stresses of the entire system. No matter how many motors you have selected and serviced throughout your career, every pumping job is different. During this session, participants will take a closer look at the primary components that are part of a submersible motor design. We will look at how these components address different application requirements – including overall efficiency, reliability, and ability to repair or replace. / As the water well industry seeks optimal solutions, permanent magnet motors have emerged as a promising choice. Their remarkable efficiency surpasses that of conventional induction motors, resulting in substantial energy savings and cost reduction. However, before choosing this motor for your next project, it is essential to consider certain factors. In this presentation, we will delve into the design aspects of permanent magnet motors, examine the necessary controls, and explore practical examples of cost savings. By doing so, we aim to shed light on the ideal applications where this innovative technology truly shines.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Navigating the Build America, Buy America Act

The Build America, Buy America Act was included within the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, commonly referred to as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”. Its purpose is to impose a baseline “Buy America” requirement on all infrastructure projects receiving federal financial assistance. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget issued initial guidance on how to comply with the law in April 2022, but there are still many unresolved questions on exact requirements and how individual government offices (DOE, EPA, DOT, USDA) will enforce. Session attendees will learn what requirements are defined and what is still not clear, how to determine where in the supply chain they sit and most importantly, what questions to ask.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Drilling Basics - Break Down of Basics and All the Questions You Want Answered

This workshop is a collection of technical topics that will help the driller understand the question of why in drilling basics. It will be a live interactive presentation that new drillers and experienced drillers alike can take something away from. We will cover the types of drilling and how or why you might need to use mud or air to grow your business. A section will cover wellbore design for different hole sizes. A look at the math behind finding the right uphole velocity. Our best recommendations on safety and maintenance for your equipment. We will touch base on different formations and what can help hold your hole open. A troubleshooting guide to fluids and a look at support equipment that will make your jobs easier and more proficient. The last sections will take a look at drill string make ups and the hydraulic components of the drilling rig.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

The Institutional Market and the Value It Presents to the Geothermal & Drilling Industry

Geothermal technology is finally being recognized as a valued asset by the Federal market because of the modification of the definition of renewable energy to include thermal energy and changing the verbiage from generated to produced. This along with the "Climate Change" narrative should have opened the flood gates for this technology but we are still having to fight the lack of awareness for not only the technology but more importantly the benefits that these systems bring to the table. This session will point out the magnitude of the institutional market and the steps that can and should be taken by the various members of our industry to promote the adoption of GHPs. I will show how this initiative will not only increase awareness of this technology but also support networked geothermal and be the catalyst for increased adoption by the residential sector.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Motor Symposium Part 2 - Motor Protection / Motors - Understanding How and Why They Fail, Testing, and Solutions

Discuss the need to protect motors and VFDs from surges, the need for a good ground to route the transients, what an acceptable ground resistance is, how to measure ground resistance, and how to improve ground resistance. Discuss other causes of motor failures including dry run, excessive cycling (including those operating on VFDs), and current imbalance. Show power curves and actual lab testing of pumps causing motors to run at currents exceeding the maximum current rating of the motor and how to protect the motor from those excessive currents. Wrap up by discussing the spikes caused by the VFD and the different types of filters to protect the motor. We take motors for granted, either they work, or they do not. But is that really the entire story? Understanding above ground pumps or submersible pumps leads to understanding the other. It is first instinct to evaluate a submersible before pulling it, should you not evaluate an above ground as well? In this session, learn how to evaluate the motor, and what the numbers mean to the pump and to the system. Learn how motor issues can be foreseen and prevented using technology. See the importance of controls and safeties to the life of the motor and system This talk will take you beyond the how to evaluate the motor and explore what the tests can really be telling you and what solutions are available.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Groundwater Equipment Financing

This presentation is designed to help the listener better understand how to make wise financial decisions when acquiring capital equipment. We will discuss the pros and cons of financing versus paying cash, as well as the different types of equipment financing commonly available in the market today. The presenter will briefly explain the different types of commercial equipment lenders, and give an overview of the financial documents lenders frequently request from companies applying for credit. This presentation will encourage the listener to think about what is best for their business when it comes time to acquire expensive capital equipment.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Loss Circulation - Facts, Treatment and Proper Development

Loss Circulation while drilling is becoming more problematic with the increased drawdown in our aquifers and one of the least understood borehole conditions the driller encounters. Proper steps are needed to minimize the risk of getting pipe stuck. Recognizing the type of losses that occur and the correct treatment is critical to prevent aquifer contamination and reduced well efficiency. The presentation will cover types of approved loss circulation materials and steps necessary to develop these materials out of the well during well development.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Understanding Meters and Meggers When Testing Submersible Motors

This course outlines exactly how to use a multimeter to determine if a motor is shorted, grounded or has open windings or mixed leads. Resistance ohm values will be discussed in depth. Additionally, the proper use of a megohmmeter for the purpose of determining the insulation conditions of the drop cable, motor lead, and motor windings will be evaluated as they will degrade over time. The content will be shared in a manner that makes retention easier.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water and Effective Treatment Technology Tools

The list of drinking water emerging contaminants continues to expand at an amazing pace; unbridled by concentration detection limits. Guidance will be shared regarding this class of contaminants, their nuances and the efficacy of the ever-expanding treatment technology landscape. The course provides opportunity for participants to expand their water treatment tool kit of knowledge to better serve their community of customers.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Sonic Drilling - The Future Is Now

Sonic drilling is an advanced drilling technique that has gained significant attention in the field of geotechnical engineering and exploration. This innovative method utilizes high-frequency vibrations to efficiently penetrate various types of soil and rock formations, offering numerous advantages over conventional drilling techniques. This presentation aims to provide an overview of sonic drilling, highlighting its key principles, equipment, and applications. The fundamental principle of sonic drilling involves the generation of high-frequency vibrations, which are transmitted down the drill string to the drill bit. These vibrations effectively reduce the frictional resistance between the drill bit and the formation, allowing for rapid and efficient penetration. This presentation will explore various applications of sonic drilling, such as geotechnical site investigations, environmental assessments, mineral exploration, and geothermal energy projects. Case studies and real-world examples will be discussed to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of sonic drilling in different contexts. Sonic drilling is a cutting-edge technique that revolutionizes traditional drilling practices. Its ability to minimize sample disturbance, increase drilling speed, and accommodate various geological conditions makes it a valuable tool for geotechnical engineers, environmental consultants, and researchers involved in subsurface investigations and exploration projects.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Building Blocks of Training a New Driller

This workshop will outline the fundamental steps to training a new driller. We will start with expectations of an assistant driller and what they need to learn and develop utilizing NGWA University before stepping up and taking control of the rig. Next, in developing the driller portion, designing operating procedures and choosing projects that maximize suitable learning environments will be discussed. The workshop will conclude with a discussion on how to allow new drillers room for growth through mentorship and trust.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Renewable Energy Pumping

In this session we will discuss renewable energy based pump technology. We will discuss current technology and touch on developing technology, specifically with solar power. Along with the technology overview, we will dive into specific pumping applications and markets where this technology can be applied. We will discuss power blending technology that allows use of solar power and can be supplemented by grid power for 24 hour per day pump operation. Energy savings and ways to calculate that savings will be addressed. Attendees will leave with an understanding of current renewable energy pumping systems and how these can be applied in groundwater applications.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Uses of Chemicals for Restoring & Maintaining Performance of Water Wells

This workshop will focus on the economic and environmental benefits of well rehabilitation, causes of well yield decline and how to properly diagnose the problem. It will discuss the different chemicals that can be used to rehabilitate and maintain a water well. It will contrast the use of custom chemical blending verses the use of “off the shelf” or proprietary chemical blends. It will consider how chemical use in water wells can be beneficial, yet if used improperly, can be dangerous. It will cover different mechanical tools and methods used in well cleaning and how these tools can be used in conjunction with properly designed chemical blends to achieve maximum desired results. It will examine chlorine, the most misunderstood chemical in the ground water industry and why such a common chemical can be a great tool, yet so very dangerous. And finally, it will cover the importance of preventive maintenance and why the industry should be promoting it.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Mud Testing - How Important Is It?

Is onsite testing important? Typically, when contractors contact us, it’s because they have a problem or are expecting some difficulty. Having some basic mud / water testing information is the only way we can provide meaningful help over the phone. I find when contractors understand what the testing numbers mean they are much more willing to do the basic testing. This discussion goes into the testing procedures that they can do themselves with little investment in time or equipment as well as the more in-depth testing that is performed by a drilling fluids specialist. We will discuss the units of measurement for each test and the trends we look for both positive and negative. The goal is to not to make mud engineers out of every drilling contractor but to give a basic understanding of the language so we can all discuss test results and plan what we can do to address a problem or hopefully prevent one. This presentation is for drilling contractors of all experience levels.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Dual Rotary Drilling in Water Wells and Geothermal Boreholes

Drilling water wells and geothermal boreholes can be a complex task, but using dual rotary drilling can make the process much easier. Dual rotary drilling is well-suited to both geothermal, water well and exploration projects, where accuracy (straightness of the borehole), speed, and flexibility of the drill are key. With dual rotary drilling, the top and lower drives can be adjusted and controlled easily, allowing for a variety of options when drilling through different terrain types. The drills have high torque capabilities and the ability to reach depths of over 500 feet, ensuring that all kinds of wells and boreholes can be constructed with ease. This makes it perfect for any project that needs precision drilling at depth or where clean dry gravel or boulders are expected. Our experience using dual rotary drilling in water wells and geothermal boreholes has shown impressive results in terms of efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, its versatility allows for a variety of drilling methods, such as mud rotary, air-rotary, and down-the-hole hammer. Overall, dual rotary drilling offers the perfect solution when it comes to constructing water wells and geothermal boreholes. Its adjustable speed and torque capabilities make it incredibly efficient while still providing straighter boreholes, and the ability to see the formations quicker and easier. With its versatility in different drilling techniques and deep reach capabilities, dual rotary drilling is the perfect choice for any kind of project.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Optimize Irrigation Jobs: Tips & Expert Insights for Selecting the Best Pumping Solution for the Application

In the world of agriculture, where and how customers get water are critical to production. From drilled wells to wet wells…from centralized water sources to water collection and recycling, farmers and operators need to get water from the best and closest sources possible. During this training, we’ll explore how pumping solutions are designed to optimize the water systems of ag and irrigation applications – including the latest technologies available and the overall irrigation needs of the agricultural operation. Join the experts as you learn what to consider when recommending a solution to replace or install a new pumping system to meet water availability concerns, shifting needs or changing landscapes.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Winning Your Brand's Key Moments of Truth to Grow Your Business

For every brand and business, there are critical moments of truth that determine if your target customer will choose you, choose a competitor, or walk away. It doesn't matter if you're a contractor, a distributor, or a manufacturer. All brands and businesses must face and win these critical moments of truth. Through this thought-provoking session, attendees will learn the key moments of truth that every brand or business faces. Then, leveraging the presenter's deep expertise leading brands in a wide variety of industries, he will show you tips and ways to increase your brand's chances of winning and delighting your target audience.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

A Bits a Bit, but Is It?

We are going more in depth to bits than ever before. This presentation will cover ground formations, bit warranties, trouble shooting and how to save money on your next job. I will be discussing bit design and how that can help drillers with cost per foot and better performance. We will discuss different bits on the market and how and when to use those bits in differing formations.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Safety & New Hires - Injuries That Can Impact a Business Legacy

During this session, participants will learn the importance of safety training for new hires and the associated impacts of employees willingly or unwillingly committing an unsafe act. We will discuss behavioral psychology and statics of safety conditions specific to construction sites. The financial and legal ramifications of repetitive stress injuries and willful violations that can lead to criminal court will also be discussed.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Pump Panel Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Soft Starting and Stopping

Gradual starting and stopping of pumps improves performance, reduces wear and tear, and extends the life of equipment. This workshop will provide you with knowledge of motor controls, how to select the properly sized soft starter system, plus installation and maintenance procedures. From the incoming three phase power to the outgoing motor connections, we will cover electrical standards such as wire sizing, bend radius, and torque settings. On the maintenance side, we will cover what is needed to keep your pump running, prolong the lifetime of your motor, and optional monitoring features. Target audience are those who are responsible for the electrical side of groundwater pump system.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Electrical Basics and Tips For Water Systems

Attendees will learn about the basics of electricity as it relates to the Water Systems industry including the hydraulic analogy, supply, nameplate information, surge protection, cable selection and use of meters. Knowledge of electrical basics is critical for personal safety as well as proper installations and troubleshooting. Understanding how meters work, proper use and care are critical skills necessary for efficient and effective troubleshooting.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Water Well Disinfection and Rehabilitation

We will discuss the importance of new well disinfection as it relates to older well rehabilitation. Attendees will learn about how to disinfect new wells, how to do the math to make sure you can get to the contamination, and the benefits of using a larger biocide treatment to not only disinfect but to remove any mud damage that might have occurred while drilling the well. If wells are properly disinfected and follow a minimal maintenance schedule, many of the problems we have encountered through the rehabilitation process can be avoided. Not allowing a bacterial colony to grow and flourish eliminates the need for premature and costly equipment replacement, loss of water at crucial times, and hours of mechanical work needed to correct the issues.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Ever Changing and Essential Saga of Well Development in the Field

Proper development remains an essential yet often misunderstood and misapplied aspect of well construction. Development defines whether a well will be a resource or a challenge over its operational life. With challenges in supply and labor over the past several years, improper development challenges have increased. The session will look at the role of development, the methods of development, challenges historically and challenges post-COVID. The session will also include guidelines for monitoring development, recommendations for pre-construction specifications, and means of identifying poor development once the well is in operation.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Best Practices for a Submersible Pump Install

Are you new to the industry or want to freshen your skills? In this discussion, we will review the best pump installation practices. Starting off with understanding the well and more importantly how to manage a low yielding well should you encounter one. We will explore the questions: What pieces and methods make for a proper submersible pump install? Why is good splicing important? Do you test your connections and how? And what are common wire issues in the system? Do you evaluate the pump itself before installation? Do you know the key differences between a CSCR box and CRIR box? Can a Variable Speed Drive solve all issues? What are common issues sizing a tank? Does the system have a good health check? All these will be reviewed as well as the changes in the industry that can make your job both seem harder, and at times easier. Pumps have not changed significantly in our industry over the years. Technology is the future from how we manage a low yielding well, to testing and tracking the pump. Monitoring and controlling the pump have changed rapidly in our industry. Are the best practices of yesterday applicable today?
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Keep It Simple Well Rehab

80% of water well problems fall into mineral incrustation, biofouling, physical plugging, and pump damage. Simple approaches to treating the most common water well "fouling conditions" will be discussed from bentonite drilling fluid screen fouling to treating iron and scaling. Determining when it is a case for water well rehabilitation vs. drilling a new well is a target point in this presentation. The industry segments (residential, public, etc.) and contractor proactive income opportunity streams will also be presented.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Health & Safety Around the Well Drilling Site

Our familiarity with water well drilling work sites may sometimes make us complacent about the potential hazards in that working environment. Drilling sites typically expose workers to an assortment of potential dangers, including slippery and uneven working surfaces; heavy equipment and machinery that is constantly operating to move heavy loads; inclement weather and (sometimes) long work hours; confined spaces between closely-positioned vehicles or within sound barriers. This workshop will provide pragmatic, real-world examples of the potential risks at drilling sites, and sound recommendations for a safe workplace.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

VFD's - Did You Know?

This presentation will bring greater understanding to many things never considered before with respect to VFD's and pump systems. We will discuss when and where output filters are necessary for the long term health of your motors. We will discuss how you can still short cycle equipment even though you are using a VFD and the consequences thereof. We will learn how surge protection works and where grounding plays a major role in the effectiveness of surge protection. I will walk the class through tools that are necessary for success with VFD's and discuss with them how a "default" is not always their best solution.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Aqua-Scopic Well Rehabilitation

Today’s latest technology of a video rehabilitation camera for videoing all water wells that are known or suspected to have an encrustation problem is here. The latest cameras will give you a sharp video picture, water temperature at the camera head, TDS, and a litmus test for PH. But then what do you do with the poor visibility/cloudy water? Since there is no reasonably priced camera that can see through dirt, your only other recourse is to use one of several flocking agents on the market approved for domestic water well use. This seminar will address some of the following video inspection problems, including: several different techniques to address suspended solids and seeing in “cloudy water,” NSF approved flocking agents, lighting issues, and marketing your camera and company as a new source of profit.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Sieve Analysis, Slot Size, and Gravel Pack Selection

The purpose of this presentation is to provide an understanding of the relationship of the sieve analysis, the gravel pack, and the screen slot size. The presentation will discuss the details of sample collection, the sieve analysis process, the interpretation of the results, gravel pack selection, and screen slot sizing. Understanding these details will help both the drillers and the engineers in selecting the right combination for an efficient well with minimal sand production.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Laboratory Evaluations of Well Fouling for Corrective Action

Water wells are susceptible to a variety of individual and combined fouling mechanisms. Understanding the specific reasons why a well has fouled or is experiencing reduced efficiency are key to developing the correct response. Biofouling, corrosion, pore development, mineral scale build-up, formation influence, are all common fouling issues that impact potable wells. The occurrence and frequency of common fouling mechanisms will be discussed with information derived from an active, investigative laboratory. The session will explore the root cause of well fouling and share rates of occurrence on specific issues that commonly impact well systems. This information will then feed into a discussion on choices for maintenance, rehabilitation, or disinfection.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Preparing to Sell or Hand Over Your Business

The goal of this session is to help business owners and families plan for the future: a time when they may want to retire, sell their business, or pass their business on to their employees or family members. The session covers options when looking to retire, how to prepare your business for the best outcome, and common challenges throughout the sale process. The seminar provides an overview of the opportunities to pass on your business. These include sale to a neighboring business or competitor; sale to an investment group; employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs); passing the business to a family member; or closing and auctioning off assets and equipment. Preparing your business for a sale, ESOP, or handover will also be discussed. Specifically, practical advice on preparing your books, retaining an accountant and legal counsel, interviewing business brokers and ESOP consultants. It will also cover the main elements an investment firm or neighboring business will look for if they are considering a purchase, e.g., consistent growth, strong margins, high-quality talent that will be staying with the company. The workshop will include two business owners that have recently sold their business or completed an ESOP transaction to share the benefits and challenges of each strategy with the audience and be available for questions.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Determination of Slot Size From Sieve Analysis Data

This is a two-part class with a lecture and student problem. The class will cover the proper selection of slot size and filter pack for a water supply well. Basic design parameters will be discussed including types of well completions both natural developed and filter packed wells. Instruction will be given in the basic screen-design parameters, filer packs and selection of filter pack and slot size. The second part of the class will include a problem that will be completed as part of the class where the students will get to design a filter pack and screen slot size for the Millerville well. Information will be given about the capacity of the well that is required, aquifer sieve data and general information required to design a filter pack and slot size. Students will plot the data and select a proper design for the screened interval.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 2 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Grouting and Well Abandonment-Methods and Materials

This workshop will discuss methods and materials used in well grouting and the well abandonment process. The best methods and materials, such as the different cement and cement bentonite mixes, to use as well as instruction on a variety of casing types will be highlighted. Attendees will walk away knowing the proper way to perform a well abandonment job with a permanent, safe seal.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: 1 R/R, S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786

Improving the Efficiency of Irrigation Pumping Systems through Pump System Optimization

With over 600,000 pumping systems used for irrigation on agricultural land in the United States, there is a great opportunity to save energy. Improving the efficiency of agricultural irrigation pumping systems can save up to 22 billion kilowatt hours of energy per year and eliminate 8.3 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually. Considering potential funding opportunities with the passing of the Farm Bill, improving the efficiency these pumping systems will be more affordable, and the energy reduction can save producers millions of dollars annually, and provide meaningful reductions in carbon emissions. The Hydraulic Institute (HI) and their Educational Foundation Pump Systems Matter (PSM) designed the Pump System Optimization (PSO) course to bring awareness of the opportunity to save energy in pumping systems and teach the fundamental techniques to follow. This training session will cover the fundamentals of pump curves, system curves, their interaction, how the pump system consumes energy and ways to improve efficiency. Additionally, the training will focus on irrigations systems and how to identify opportunities for optimization and examples of optimized irrigation systems. Attendees will walk away with improved knowledge that they can use to sell the upgrade of irrigation systems through improved life cycle cost.
Course Date: 01/08/2024 - 09/29/2025
Hours/Type: R/R, 1 S/B
Organization: National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Location: 24/7 Online Access
Contact: Sue Tenney
Phone: (614) 898-7791
Fax: (614) 898-7786
